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What Are The Most Common Causes Of Car Accidents?

Common Causes Of Car Accidents

Car accidents are a major cause of injury and death in the United States, and Atlanta, Georgia, is no exception. According to data from the Georgia Department of Transportation, there were over 300,000 car crashes in the state in 2020, resulting in nearly 200,000 injuries and almost 2,000 deaths.

So what are the most common causes of car accidents in Atlanta? Here are some of the top factors:

  1. Distracted driving: Distracted driving is a significant cause of car accidents in Atlanta and around the country. This includes activities like texting while driving, eating or drinking while driving, and even talking to passengers. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that distracted driving was a factor in nearly 10% of all car crashes in the United States in 2020.
  2. Drunk driving: Drunk driving continues to be a major cause of car accidents in Atlanta. According to the NHTSA, alcohol-impaired driving accounted for nearly 29% of all traffic fatalities in the United States in 2020. In Georgia, it is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher.
  3. Speeding: Speeding is another major cause of car accidents in Atlanta. When drivers go too fast, they have less time to react to changing road conditions and are more likely to lose control of their vehicle. In 2020, the NHTSA estimated that speeding was a factor in nearly 27% of all traffic fatalities in the United States.
  4. Aggressive driving: Aggressive driving, which includes behaviors like tailgating, cutting off other drivers, and making unsafe lane changes, can also contribute to car accidents in Atlanta. In 2020, the NHTSA estimated that aggressive driving was a factor in nearly 10% of all traffic fatalities in the United States.
  5. Weather conditions: Poor weather conditions, such as rain, snow, and ice, can make driving more dangerous and increase the risk of car accidents in Atlanta. Drivers should take extra precautions when driving in adverse weather conditions, including slowing down and increasing the following distance.
  6. Fatigue: Fatigue can also be a factor in car accidents in Atlanta. According to the NHTSA, drowsy driving was a factor in over 2% of all traffic fatalities in the United States in 2020. Drivers should ensure they get enough sleep before getting behind the wheel and should pull over if they feel tired while driving.
  7. Vehicle defects: In some cases, car accidents in Atlanta may be caused by defects in the vehicle itself, such as faulty brakes or tires. It is important to regularly maintain and repair your vehicle to reduce the risk of car accidents.
  8. Road conditions: Poor road conditions, such as potholes, debris, or inadequate signage, can also contribute to car accidents in Atlanta. It is the responsibility of government agencies to maintain roads in a safe condition, but drivers should also be aware of potential hazards and take appropriate precautions.

The Angell Law Firm provides a plethora of reasons why you may be in a car accident.

Overall, car accidents in Atlanta can be caused by a variety of factors, including distracted driving, drunk driving, speeding, aggressive driving, poor weather conditions, fatigue, vehicle defects, and poor road conditions. To reduce the risk of car accidents, it is important for drivers to pay attention to the road, avoid distractions, never drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, follow speed limits, and drive defensively.

Our lawyers at the angell law firm care about your recovery.

Contact The Angell Law Firm

If the unfortunate happens and you are involved in a car accident, one of the first things you need to do is seek legal representation.

The team at the Angell Law Firm will help you avoid costly mistakes many drivers make when dealing with insurance companies. Remember that insurance companies often look out for their best interests, not yours.

You only get one chance to receive compensation for your injuries. You need to do everything in your power to maximize your compensation.

If you were injured in a car accident that wasn’t your fault and deserve compensation, schedule a FREE consultation with an experienced car accident attorney at the Angell Law Firm.

We look forward to providing you with the compensation you deserve.

There is no cost for your initial consultation, and you don’t pay a penny until we recover a fair auto accident settlement.

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