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Car Accident Attorney Snellville, Ga

Car Accident Attorney Snellville

Need an Auto Accident Attorney in Snellville? Discover Your Options

Being in a car accident is something that can completely derail your life.

An established routine gets turned on its head, and all of your progress goes with it.

Careers come to a halt, as do educations and savings.

You are left physically debilitated, without an extra cent to your name, and without the ability to try and recoup your losses.

That’s not even touching on the impact that the accident can have on your mental health.

Being in the accident is one thing, but all of the anxiety, stress, and bedrest can be just as harmful.

Here at Angell Law, we see cases like this every day, and we hate it.

We’ve dedicated ourselves to helping people caught up in situations like this get their lives back on track.

Our expert team has been serving the people of Snellville, Georgia, for years, and we pride ourselves on how many people we’ve managed to help.

If you find yourself in need of legal consultancy after a car accident, you can call us from Snellville at (770) 217-4954.

Common Car Accident FAQs

Over the years of offering free consultations to the citizens of Snellville, we’ve heard all kinds of different questions.

While everyone’s case is unique, there are a few universal questions that can be helpful to answer here.

How much compensation am I going to receive?

Providing a one size fits all answer for this question is next to impossible.

How much compensation you’re going to receive depends on a number of factors, including the injuries that you’ve sustained, the damage dealt to property, who is responsible for the accident, how the accident has impacted your life, and more.

How much does it cost to hire a car accident injury lawyer?

At Angell Law, we operate a “no win, no fee” policy.

This means that if you don’t win any compensation in court, then you have absolutely no legal fees to pay.

Our top priority is helping you recover after an accident, which is why we take a percentage cut of the settlement as payment rather than putting you out of pocket.

This percentage can vary from case to case but is typically around 30% to 40% percent.

What if the accident was partially my fault?

There are particular situations where who caused the accident isn’t precisely cut and dry.

Often times, it is the result of more than one party’s negligence.

However, typically one party is more responsible than the other.

In a situation like this, the case becomes contributory negligence.

When this happens, the court is going to assign percentage blame for the accident to both parties.

They are then required to pay the corresponding percentage of the other person’s compensation.

These cases can get incredibly complicated very quickly, so if you have any more questions on the topic, call us at (770) 217-4954 to arrange a free consultation.

What Should I Do After a Car Accident in Snellville?

Whenever you’re dealing with a car accident, your first priority needs to be your own personal safety.

As soon as you can, get clear of the crash site and any oncoming traffic.

Only once you are in a safe location should you contact the emergency services.

While you are waiting for an ambulance and the police, see if there are any witnesses around to get testimonials from, and call your insurance company.

Your insurer is going to be able to advise you on what to do following the accident.

Take photos of your injuries, as well as any damage to your car.

Then, once the police have arrived, make a point of getting a copy of any ticket that is issued at the scene.

After the initial crash is dealt with, go to your doctor even if you’re feeling fine.

Make sure that you keep any paperwork that you get from this doctor’s visit, as well as any following ones.

Once that’s done, give us a call, and we can advise you on what to do next.

Angell Law – The Best Snellville Car Accident Attorney

If  involved in a car accident in Snellville, make sure that you call us on (770) 217-4954 to arrange your free consultation.

One of our expert attorneys can walk you through your case and help you out with the next steps that you need to take.

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