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Seriously Injured in a Dekalb County Car Accident?

Seriously Injured in a Dekalb County

If you have been in an auto accident in Dekalb County, you aren’t alone.

According to the NHTSA, Dekalb County was second only to Fulton in car accidents for the entire state of Georgia.

If you are seriously injured, hiring a personal injury attorney in Atlanta can help you get the settlement you deserve.

So you need a Dekalb car accident attorney, but how do you go about choosing a lawyer for your accident case?

First of all, you will want an experienced Dekalb car accident lawyer, someone that handles cases like yours on a regular basis.

It is also important to understand how the Dekalb injury attorney works and how he or she is paid.

Usually, an accident victim will not need to pay an attorney upfront.

Instead, the Dekalb attorney will work for a contingency or a percentage of the final settlement.

If you have been seriously injured and need to speak with a Dekalb personal injury lawyer, call The Angell Law Firm today.

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