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What if My Workplace Says I Was at Fault for My Construction Accident?

My Workplace Says I Was at Fault

Unfortunately, every year, construction accidents harm unsuspecting victims. With heavy machinery, complicated equipment, and dangerous tools at almost every construction site, serious injuries can happen at a moment’s notice. A workers’ compensation law firm in Atlanta can help.

If you are a construction worker who was hurt on the job, you may be concerned about the future. Those with serious injuries are often not able to work, and it is understandable to be worried about what the future might bring.

If your workplace says you were at fault for the construction accident, don’t panic. Even if the accident was indeed your fault, you still have options for securing financial assistance. What’s most important is that your accident happened on the job, while you were working and actively employed by the construction company. As an active employee, you are still protected by workers’ compensation insurance.
Securing Financial Assistance
Workers’ compensation is a program that provides medical care and replacement income to employees who are injured or become ill due to their jobs. Financial benefits may also extend to the survivors of workers who are killed on the job. Workers’ compensation in Georgia is a no-fault system, meaning as long as you are an active employee and you meet certain qualifications to apply, you can receive workers’ compensation benefits while you heal from your construction accident injury.

When it comes to workers’ compensation cases, you do not need to prove fault in order to collect money. If your workplace insists that you caused the injury or the insurance company refuses to pay, then you need to consult with a workers’ compensation lawyer immediately.

Can I Still Receive Compensation After A Construction Accident If The Injury Was My Fault?

Since every construction accident happens under different circumstances, there is no single answer to the question of how much money an injured worker can receive. In most cases, injured workers need to file for workers’ compensation benefits in order to secure some kind of income after an injury.

Workers’ compensation is designed to cover the medical expenses associated with getting hurt at a construction site. Medical expenses may include the cost of emergency room care, hospital visit, doctor’s office co-pays, the cost of rehabilitative care, and more.
Injury Was My Fault
In cases where the construction company is determined to be at fault, an injured worker may be entitled to receive a settlement on top of their workers’ compensation benefits. If you believe you were at fault for your construction accident, it’s best to speak with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. Only a qualified attorney can evaluate the details of your specific injury and provide you with actionable legal advice for recovery.

What Can I Do If My Workers’ Compensation Application Was Denied?

In some cases, an injured victim’s first workers’ compensation application might be denied. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as incorrect or missing information, or a lack of supporting details that demonstrate your eligibility to receive benefits. If you have been denied workers’ compensation benefits due to a failed application, you have every right to take further legal action and fight for what you deserve.

If your workers’ compensation claim was denied, you will need to file an appeal. A lawyer can help you with the appeal process. Together, you and your attorney will assess the strength of your original application and find areas of improvement. Your lawyer will strengthen your application with whatever details, documentation, or supporting information you need. Under the guidance of a workers’ compensation attorney, you can file an appeal and resubmit a stronger claim in order to get the financial help you need.
Compensation Application Denied
Before you submit your initial workers’ compensation claim, contact a lawyer. It is best to proactively consult with an attorney in order to submit the strongest application you can and to mitigate the risk of your application being wrongfully denied.

Do I Still Need A Lawyer If A Construction Accident Was My Fault?

Personal injury law in the context of construction accidents can be complicated. Even if you believe that the construction accident was your fault, it is a smart idea to hire an attorney to ensure that you are sufficiently represented. Even if the accident was your fault, you are allowed and are entitled to file for workers’ compensation benefits to cover the cost of your medical bills.

In the event that you are denied workers’ compensation coverage, a lawyer will stand by your side and take every possible measure to ensure you get the benefits you need. With the help of a lawyer, you can appeal the denied coverage and resubmit a stronger application.
Resubmit a Stronger Application
It is always wise to discuss a construction accident with a lawyer to learn what you are and are not entitled to. Before you take any action yourself, you should contact a construction accident attorney to discuss any legal options you have. A qualified lawyer can help you receive the maximum amount of compensation possible in order to cover all losses associated with the accident.

Schedule A Free Consultation With The Angell Law Firm Today If You Have Suffered A Construction Accident

To ensure the maximum compensation possible after a construction accident, contact an Atlanta personal injury law firm right away. Even if you believe the accident was your fault, you can still apply for workers’ compensation benefits. At The Angell Law Firm, our attorneys have decades of experience with construction accident cases just like yours and are committed and dedicated to helping Atlanta construction accident victims receive the benefits they deserve.

In your initial case evaluation, you will have the opportunity to speak with a construction accident lawyer and have your questions answered. Your attorney will give you advice regarding what steps to take next, and will ensure that you feel confident and understood throughout the entire process.

To schedule your free, no-obligation case evaluation with The Angell Law Firm, call our Atlanta office at (770) 217-4954. The sooner you speak with our construction accident and workers’ compensation attorneys, the sooner we can help you get justice.

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