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Welding Injury Lawyer in Atlanta

Welding Injuries Welding requires proper tools, safety equipment, and uses extremely high temperatures. Any small oversight with the tools or protocols can result in devastating injuries and sometimes death

If you were fortunate enough to survive a destructive welding accident, the injuries sustained can still affect their lives forever in more ways than one. That is why it’s important to seek out expert legal help to get you the compensation you deserve. Our Atlanta-based welding injury attorneys can assist you.

The initial case review meeting is free and you only pay if and when we help you receive compensation. Call today at (770) 217-4954.

What Types of Welding Injuries Can You Help Me With?

Because of the danger involved, welding injuries can be more gruesome than other construction-related injuries. Some of our previous welding clients were:

Severely burned

Sustained eye injuries

Inhaled toxic gasses and fumes


No matter what injuries you have sustained, the Angell Law Firm can work to maximize the Workers’ Compensation benefits you receive. Or, if negligence by a specific party caused your accident, we can fight to get you the financial damages you need from a personal injury claim.

How Much Compensation Will I Receive For My Injuries?

It depends on the extent of your injuries and how it has affected you. For instance, if you suffered minor injuries and missed only a week from work due to your accident, you will receive less in a settlement than someone who sustained a serious injury that has kept them out of work for an extended period of time. Your medical expenses also factor into how much compensation you may receive.

If it is determined that you suffered tremendous pain and suffering due to your injuries, you may receive even more compensation. Proving how you were affected is an important part of your case. We’ve helped many before and want to help you now.

Can I File For Workers Comp Even If There Was No Negligence Involved?

Workers Compensation may be more limited than a personal injury claim but you can still file without needing to prove negligence. Even if no one was at fault for your accident, you can still receive workers compensation money. We know how to help in cases like this.

How Can a Welding Lawyer Help Me Get the Most Out of My Claim?

The pain and suffering is only one part of the fallout from a significant welding injury. While you recuperate and can’t work, that income loss can put you in a very tough financial situation. Your situation can be especially troublesome if you have a family to support. Lost work wages and expensive medical bills can jeopardize everything you have built up to this point.

As soon as you receive medical attention following a welding injury on the job, contact our law firm immediately. We can work to get the compensation you deserve and help you stay afloat as you focus on recovering your health. Call us today at (770) 217-4954.

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