Categories: Personal Injury
| On 13 years ago

Georgia Trucking Accidents: Jackknifing and Rollovers

Tractor Trailers represent an incredibly important way to transport goods throughout the United States.

Every time a truck driver enters his truck, he takes a huge risk that he might not come home.

With the sheer amount of trucks on the road, accidents are bound to happen.

There are two types of truck accidents: trucking accidents with a collision and non-collision accidents such as jackknifing and rollovers.

Below is some information on non-collision accidents involving trucks provided by a top Greenville truck accident attorney.

Atlanta Area Jackknifing Accident Attorneys

Technical Services says that there are normally three breaks in a tractor-trailer: the steering axle brakes, the drive axle brakes, and the trailer axle brakes.

If the steering axle breaks lock up, a truck driver cannot steer and the truck will move straight regardless of the wheel angle of the truck.

If the truck’s axle breaks lock up, the truck will jackknife.

If the trailer axle breaks lock up, the trailer will swing and lower the stability of the truck.

Anti-lock brakes should prevent these incidents from occurring.

However, many older trucks are missing at least one set of anti-lock brakes.

If you are a truck driver who was injured in a jackknifing incident or another similar incident, contact an experienced Georgia truck accident lawyer for a free consultation to discuss your options.

Georgia Truck Rollover Accident Lawyers

Larger trucks, from tractor trailers to smaller commercial vans are very easy to roll over.

The likelihood of a vehicle rollover is related to the amount of g-force needed to roll the vehicle.

When a vehicle corners a g-force is created.

Technical services say that the g-forces required to roll a car are 1.3 g’s, pickups are about 1.1 g’s, full loaded semi-trucks only require close to .4g’s or lower.

A car cannot generate the need g-force to roll but a commercial van or semi-truck can easily create the g-force require to roll over.

Many truck rollovers occur when a truck driver tries to return onto the road.

Rollovers also often occur because the truck was improperly loaded, or loaded too high.

The truck becomes top-heavy and is more likely to roll over around a sharp corner or bend.

If you were injured in a truck rollover accident in Atlanta, contact one of our Atlanta personal injury lawyers, to see if we may be able to help you.